
Monitoring with Graunt

Moreover, finding some Truths and not-commonly-believed opinions to arise from my meditations upon these neglected Papers, I proceeded further to consider what benefit the knowledge of the same would bring to the world, … with some real fruit from those ayrie blossoms.

– John Graunt, „Natural and Political Observations Mentioned in a following Index, and made upon the Bills of Mortality.“ (1662)


The graunt package includes services to collect, aggregate, store, and display statistics on the performance of software and hardware (client) instances in the network.

At the core, the whisper round-robin databases provide a fixed-size storage pool for aggregated statistical data. Recent data is stored with a high time resolution. Older data is aggregated and stored more efficiently with less resolution. The amount of data is configurable.

The carbon-cache service accepts individual measurements, organized in a hierarchical namespace of whisper databases. Databases are created on demand when new names are encountered.

Access to databases is restricted through instances of the carbon-relay service. There is one such service for each protected namespace domain. Typically, there are several namespaces for the company network and one namespace for each customer.

The carbon-relay ports are made available on the internal network, or, in the case of customer access, over a dedicated SSH tunnel to an account on the customer’s machine that is locked down to only allow port fowarding of a single network port.

Graunt Tunnel

The aggregated data is exposed through the graphite web service, which includes a rich API to create graphs from the data, and also offers a configurable dashboard.

The default client is diamond, which comes with a variety of collectors for different system parameters and services.

For regular or ad-hoc instrumentalisation of deployed applications, bucky provides a statsd interface to carbon, which runs locally to the application instance and forwards pre-aggregated data to the central server.

The tools (except for SSH and library dependencies) are implemented in Python.

The following diagram gives an overview of the whole system.

Graunt Overview


graunt comes as a GIT repository. After cloning, the submodules need to be initialized:

$ git clone graunt.git graunt
$ cd graunt
[graunt]$ git submodules init
[graunt]$ git submodules update

Building graunt requires Python 2.7, Bash, OpenSSH and libevent development files to be available on the system. There are makefile targets to install the prerequisites:

[graunt]$ make prepare-fedora

Finally, the virtualenv for graunt can be set up with:

[graunt]$ make

The downloaded Python dependencies are cached in the directory cache, which can be reused.

Variable data, including the RR databases, are stored in the directory var, which can be carried over from one instance of graunt to another.

The target directory contains the virtualenv where all packages are installed. It can be removed and rebuilt at will, as it does not contain any variable data.

As all configuration files use relative paths, graunt is fully relocatable. As a consequence, care must be taken when starting graunt, see below.


All services in graunt are started through Mozilla’s circusd service. The configuration file uses relative paths, so circusd has to be run from the graunt root directory. The wrapper script takes care of that:

[any]$ /path/to/graunt/circusd

The script auto-detects the graunt directory, so it can be run from anywhere.

As graunt runs in a virtualenv, all tools can be run directly from the target/bin directory, which can also be added to the user’s PATH variable:

[graunt]$ target/bin/circusctl stats
[graunt]$ target/bin/circusctl stop diamond
[graunt]$ target/bin/circusctl start diamond


graunt uses the whisper database format. The database files are located at var/carbon/whisper and organized in a hierarchical namespace. carbon-relay servers are used to restrict access to specific namespaces only.




Statistics about the carbon cache and relay servers


Namespaces for customer installations


Namespaces for Semantics network


Namespaces for Semantics demo portals

Customer namespaces are subdivided:




Namespaces for customer operating systems


Namespaces for customer portals

The available databases in each namespace are dependent on the services that are monitored.

Storage and Aggregation

Storage rules are set in etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf, while aggregation rules are in etc/carbon/storage-aggregation.conf.

The current default retention is:











The resulting database files are 436 kB small.

The default aggregation method is average.

Network Configuration

The following ports are used by graunt internally:







carbon-cache line interface (used by local diamond daemon)



carbon-cache pickle interface (used by relays)



carbon-relay customer1 line interface



carbon-relay customer2 line interface




circusd ZMQ management socket (for circusctl)



circusd ZMQ pub/sub event socket (for circusctl)



circusd ZMQ pub/sub stats socket (for circusctl)



carbon-cache query interface (for graphite-web)

The line interface is especially useful for manual testing.

The pickle interface is not very secure, but it is required by the local carbon-relay daemons.

Customer relays are accessed through dedicated SSH tunnels.

The following ports are external entry points:







carbon-relay smc line interface for the Semantics network



carbon-relay demo line interface for the Semantics demo portals



graphite web service



statsd interface for the Semantics network (prefix smc. is added)



statsd interface for the Semantics demo portals (prefix demo. is added)

At each customer server, the following port is forwarded over a SSH tunnel to one of the customer ports above (2050, 2051, 2052, etc).







carbon-relay customer line interface (over SSH)



statsd interface (over SSH)


For each customer (here: CUSTOMER), the following configuration needs to be done on the central statsd server (

Activate the graunt user and go to environment:

[burge]$ sudo -u graunt bash
[graunt]$ cd /home/graunt/graunt

Per-Customer Configuration

The per-customer carbon-relay provides isolated access to the whisper databases, such that the customer servers can only log data to the cust.CUSTOMER namespace.

For this, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Pick a local port number for the carbon-relay line interface (no pickle interface is allowed due to security concerns). Here, we choose 2023.

  2. Create a new file graunt/etc/customers.d/CUSTOMER.ini with:

      relay_port = 2023

See below for more information on the configuration file.

  1. Rebuild the configuration:

    [graunt]$ ./rebuild-config

An SSH key pair is generated if it doesn’t exist already. So far, we have only configured a carbon-relay server that is ready to accept data. We have not configured any SSH tunnels through which clients can actually send such data. Usually, you will want to add hosts to connect to before rebuilding the configuration again and restarting circus.

Per-Host Configuration

A user account (here: vlstat) needs to be set up on each customer server (here: CUSTOMER.EXAMPLE.COM) and configured to accept an SSH connection for port forwarding.

  1. The SSH public key needs to be copied to the remote server:

    [graunt]$ scp -P 22 etc/ssh/ CUSTOMER.EXAMPLE.COM:
  2. Create the new user and disable login and password authentication:

    [customerhost]$ sudo useradd --shell /bin/true vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo usermod --lock vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo mkdir /home/vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat.vlstat /home/vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo mkdir /home/vlstat/.ssh
    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat.vlstat /home/vlstat/.ssh
    [customerhost]$ sudo chmod 0700 /home/vlstat/.ssh

    For Suse-Linux:

    [customerhost]$ useradd --shell /bin/true -g nogroup vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo usermod -L vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo mkdir /home/vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat:nogroup /home/vlstat
    [customerhost]$ sudo mkdir /home/vlstat/.ssh
    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat /home/vlstat/.ssh
    [customerhost]$ sudo chmod 0700 /home/vlstat/.ssh
  3. The /home/vlstat/.ssh/authorized_keys should have a single entry with the public key and the following configuration:

    [customerhost]$ echo 'no-pty,command="/bin/false",no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen=""' `cat` | sudo tee -a /home/vlstat/.ssh/authorized_keys
    [customerhost]$ sudo chmod 0600 /home/vlstat/.ssh/authorized_keys
    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat.vlstat /home/vlstat/.ssh/authorized_keys

    For Suse-Linux:

    [customerhost]$ sudo chown vlstat:nogroup /home/vlstat/.ssh/authorized_keys

    This configuration achieves that a compromised key can at most be used to intercept the statistics data and interfere with its collection.

  4. In the file graunt/etc/customer.d/CUSTOMER.ini, add a new section:

      ssh_port=22 # can be omitted, 22 is default
  5. Rebuild the configuration:

    [graunt]$ ./rebuild-config

    This will also retrieve the server certificate and add it to graunt/etc/ssh/known_hosts, where it is cached (to detect man in the middle attacks). You might be able to check the validity of the retrieved certificate with a second communication channel. It is also not a bad idea to add the certificate to the above configuration section under the ssh_certificate key.

  6. Reload the circusd configuration for the changes to take effect:

    [graunt]$ ./circusctl reloadconfig

    Normally, this should restart all changed watchers and start newly added watchers. If this does not work correctly, circusd can be restarted with:

    [graunt]$ ./circusctl quit
    [graunt]$ ./circusd
  7. On the customer host, install and configure a bucky server for statsd logging from applications (do not use a branch under /opt/vlsXXX).

    Install diamond and bucky:

    [customerhost]$ cd /opt/vls
    [customerhost]$ bin/vlshell
    [VLS]$ paver install_stats

    First copy the bucky configuation template then modify the file::

    [VLS]$ cp etc/ etc/bucky.conf
    [VLS]$ vi etc/bucky.conf

    Edit the customer name in name_prefix_parts:

    name_prefix_parts = ["cust", "CUSTOMER"]

    This will result in all statsd metrics being prefixed by cust.CUSTOMER. Note that any period (.) in a name part is replaced with an underscore (_).

    Install (and edit) the supervisord configuration for bucky as admin.:

    [customerhost]$ cp etc/supervisord.conf.d/bucky.ini /etc/supervisord.conf.d

    Make sure the paths are OK for your installation.

    Activate and start bucky:

    [VLS]$ supervisorctl add bucky
    [VLS]$ supervisorctl start bucky

    Dirk - I had more luck with:

    [VLS]$ supervisorctl reread
    [VLS]$ supervisorctl update
    [VLS]$ supervisorctl start bucky # probably already autostarted
  8. On the customer host, install and configure a diamond server for system statistics.

    First copy the diamond configuation template then modify the file::

    [VLS]$ cp etc/diamond/ etc/diamond/diamond.conf
    [VLS]$ vi etc/diamond/diamond.conf

    Edit the customer name in path_prefix in the collectors.default section:

    path_prefix =

    This will result in all diamond metrics being prefixed by

    Currently, you have also set the following (why?):

    collectors_path = /opt/vls/lib/python2.7/site-packages/diamond-3.3.506.patch4-py2.7.egg/share/diamond/collectors

    Also, verify the settings for server.pid_file. Logging configuration is ignored and does not need to be adjusted, as logging happens through supervisord.

    Install (and edit) the supervisord configuration for diamond as admin:

    [customerhost]$ cp etc/supervisord.conf.d/diamond.ini /etc/supervisord.conf.d

    Make sure the paths are OK for your installation.

    Activate and start diamond:

    [VLS]$ supervisorctl add diamond
    [VLS]$ supervisorctl start diamond


diamond by BrightcoveOS is a daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to carbon. By default, the following collectors are enabled:

  • cpu

  • disk space

  • disk usage

  • load avg

  • memory

  • sockstat

  • vmstat

More collectors are available, too.


carbon only aggregates data when moving it from one time resolution to another. It does not aggregate incoming data with existing data in the database. This means that if two data points arrive that fall into the same time resolution slot, the second overwrites the first. If data is generated more frequently than the highest time resolution, bucky should be used to aggregate the data locally before sending it to carbon less frequently.

Also, there is no freshness check on incoming statistics in carbon: A single write to a specific time in the past overwrites the aggregated data for that time slot.

carbon-cache must bind to localhost only, as otherwise anybody with access to the port can override any data in any namespace. As there is no authentication between the carbon-relay instances and carbon-cache, the machine running graunt should not be used for any other purpose.

carbon-relay that are forwarded over SSH must bind to localhost only for the same reason. The remote account must be dedicated to carbon and allow forwarding of that one port only, as the key is stored unprotected in the graunt SSH configuration. Each relay restricts incoming data to whitelisted namespaces only.

carbon-relay ports for company data should only be accessible from the internal network.


The statsd interface has the following properties compared to the carbon line interface:

  • It uses UDP as a transport, which means that a failing service does not impact the function of the application that sends the metrics.

  • The data can be high-frequency and is aggregated before sending it to carbon.

  • Several statistics are derived from a data series, and the resulting statistics are also sent to carbon.

There are light-weight client libraries available to add instrumentation to an existing application easily.

Upstream documentation is available.

StatsD metric types

The following metric types are supported (as described in the upstream documentation:




Event count per second.


Time interval measurements with various statistics.


Constant data that is already aggregated.

Counter Metrics

Counters are events per second. They are counted and normalized in the statsd server, so that the application only needs to report increments. To save bandwidth to the statsd server, client libraries support setting a sample rate (only a sample of the counter increments are reported to statsd in that case, which upscales the samples).




The total number of events.


The average number of events per second.

Timer Metrics

Timers are durations in milliseconds. From the raw data, various statistics are reported.




Average (currently of 90 percentile)




90 percentile




Number of data points

Gauge Metrics

Gauges are constant values that do not change until they are updated. Because they are resubmitted by statsd in each flush interval, an unchanged gauge yields a flat line in the graph.

Gauges are stored directly under the provided name.

Example Letter

Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau …,

um Ihnen bei der Sicherstellung der Verfügbarkeit und Behebung von möglichen Problemen in VLS Instanzen schneller und einfacher helfen zu können, sind wir dabei, unser Leistungskennzahlen-System von vorher „collectd“ auf jetzt „carbon“ umzustellen. Daraus ergibt sich eine Änderung in der Netzwerkkonfiguration:

Bisher wurden Leistungskennzahlen über UDP auf Port 25826 unverschlüsselt übertragen.

In dem neuen System werden die Leistungskennzahlen verschlüsselt über einen SSH Tunnel übertragen, der vom Semantics-Netzwerk ausgehend initiiert wird. Dazu wird auf ihrem System ein neuer Benutzer „vlstat“ angelegt. Dieser wird über technische Schutzmassnahmen so eingeschränkt, dass er ausschliesslich zur Errichtung eines Port-Forwarding-Tunnels (lokaler TCP Port 2003) verwendet werden kann (kein Shell-Zugang). Die SSH Verbindung wird dauerhaft aufrecht erhalten und bei Verbindungsabbruch automatisch neu aufgebaut, und ausschliesslich zur Übermittlung der Leistungskennzahlen verwendet.

Der bereits bestehende SSH Zugang kann von uns dazu verwendet werden. Es sind also ggf. keine Anpassungen Ihrerseits nötig.

Die Umstellung befindet sich noch im Testbetrieb. Nach Abschluss der Umstellung fällt der unverschlüsselte UDP Port weg und kann von Ihnen in der Firewall gesperrt werden. Wir werden sie darüber dann noch gesondert in Kenntnis setzen.

Ihre Vorteile sind, dass die Verbindung in Zukunft vollständig verschlüsselt ist, und dass wir mit dem neuen System Leistungsprobleme in Zukunft schneller erkennen und beheben können. Wir hoffen deshalb, dass die Umstellung auch in Ihrem Sinne ist.

Mit verehrten Grüssen,